How to select a software?

Software selection should follow a strict, compliant, and verifiable process.

The duration depends on the process, system, and geographical scope. You should not spend more than 6 weeks to 3 months on software selection.

The 4-step process for software selection looks like this:

  1. Business requirements catalogue and longlist
  2. RfI process and shorlist
  3. RfP process, fit-gap analysis, and scenario modeling, including business case creation
  4. Recommendation and decision

Followed by contract negotiation and signature.

What are best practices?

The business requirements catalog should contain

  • Legal and regulatory requirements, e.g., E-Invoicing, DORA in terms of Financial Services,
  • Requirements that are mapped differently in different software packages.

Banal requirements, such as it must be possible to create a customer, should not be considered.

The shortlist should not contain more than 4 providers.

The scenarios should not be modeled based on more than 6 criteria, namely coverage of the required functionality, extensibility, integrability, costs, risks, and usability.

The business case should include benefits.

How we can help

  • Adhering to a strict, compliant, and verifiable process
  • Providing a requirements catalog with requirements, legal and regulatory specifications, from which requirements are selected, but not defined from scratch
  • Providing accelerators and templates, e.g., RfI and RfP documents, business case, and many more that need to be adapted, but not created from scratch
  • Carrying out a fit-gap analysis
  • Providing a benefits catalog from which the benefits are selected

Can you do this yourself?

Yes, but with us you will be faster, more effective, and more cost-effective.