
#bookclub recommendation: As you look ahead to a society of increasing brutalism, consider enlarging your world by enlarging your reading repertoire: from a fictional vision about actual topics such as flight, migration, and xenophobia to timeless advice on manners, tolerance, and humanity.

N.B.: This is neither a political statement, nor a piece of advice on how to deal with the current situation in terms of migration in Germany but seeing the topic from a different perspective.

Whether you are a C-level, middle management, graduate, or student, we hope you are captivated and inspired by these recommended books to read during October from NORDA Advisory business leaders:

  1. Janne Teller |  War: imagine it was here (Dansk: Hvis der var krig i Norden, German: Krieg: Stell dir vor, er wäre hier)  |  Fictional vision on what if we had war all over Europe and we were the immigrants in Middle East Africa.
  2. Freiherr Knigge |  From dealing with human beings (German: Ãœber den Umgang mit Menschen)  |  In an increasingly brutalized society, where un-reflected nonsense is blasted into the social media ether, subjective opinions are published via journalists/ the regular media (with exceptions), and manners seem to be a value of a bygone era, it’s nice to have a timeless guiding anchor in terms of manners – that clearly needs to be interpreted for modern society’s needs.
  3. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing |  Nathan the Wise (German: Nathan der Weise)  |  Major topics comprise tolerance and humanity.

Have a reflective October and enjoy reading!

#goodreads #weekendreading #ReadingList2023 #ReadingList