📚 #bookclub recommendation: As we collectively experience the persistent state of multi-crisis (interaction of multiple crisis such as wars in Ukraine and Israel-Palestine and the energy, cost-of-living and climate crises), consider enlarging your world by enlarging your reading repertoire: from scientific explanations of the causes of rising temperatures and sea levels to a fictional thriller.

Whether you are a C-level, middle management, graduate, or student, we hope you are captivated and inspired by these recommended books to read during October from NORDA Advisory business leaders:

  1. David Wallace-Wells |  The uninhabitable earth recommended by Maria Wolffram
  2. Jeff Goodell |  The water will come recommended by Antje-Kathrin Schumann
  3. Andreas Eschbach |  Ausgebrannt recommended by Maike Fuhrmann

Have a reflective November and enjoy reading!

#goodreads #weekendreading #ReadingList2023 #ReadingList